Farewell My French Love - By Nadine Williams
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This is an Eat, Pray, Love for older women or a Wild. A memoir that explores grief, friendship, travel and self-discovery. An accessible take on the enduring trend for grief and self-discovery memoirs (H is for Hawk, The Year of Magical Thinking). "Whoever has loved knows all that life contains of sorrow and joy." George Sand
Renowned journalist Nadine Williams is heartbroken, following the untimely death of her French–born husband, Olivier.
Long–time friend Jane, alarmed at Nadine's despair, suggests a return to France to restore her joie de vivre. Their journey from Barcelona to Paris is peppered with hilarious battles about food, fashion and French culture, which challenge their friendship. But slowly the fun of travelling together in the glorious Loire Valley, Provence and Paris begins to lift Nadine's sadness.
Alone again, Paris spins magical happenings in Nadine's life. She steps into le quartier Latin and enters the exciting worlds of independent French women, both past and present. When she meets a French man who resembles Olivier, she faces a conundrum. Does she want another man to share her future? Or will she define herself as a widow and allow her former life of love and marriage to fall away?
Finally, she reflects that suffering loss is the legacy of her love story and fond memories will help heal her heart.
This book is Eat, Pray, Love for Francophiles: a funny, poignant and profoundly moving memoir about love, grief, friendship, travel and renewal.