Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt by Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker
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Spanning a lifetime of love and loss, crossing borders and oceans, Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt, co-authored by her son Harry Whittaker, draws Lucinda Riley's Seven Sisters series to its stunning, unforgettable conclusion.
1928, Paris
A boy is found, moments from death, and taken in by a kindly family. Gentle, precocious, talented, he flourishes in his new home, and the family show him a life he hadn’t dreamed possible. But he refuses to speak a word about who he really is.
As he grows into a young man, falling in love and taking classes at the prestigious Conservatoire de Paris, he can almost forget the terrors of his past, or the promise he has vowed to keep. But across Europe an evil is rising, and no-one’s safety is certain. In his heart, he knows the time will come where he must flee once more.
2008, the Aegean
The seven sisters are gathered together for the first time, on board the Titan to say a final goodbye to the enigmatic father they loved so dearly.
To the surprise of everyone, it is the missing sister who Pa Salt has chosen to entrust with the clue to their pasts. But for every truth revealed, another question emerges. The sisters must confront the idea that their adored father was someone they barely knew. And even more shockingly: that these long-buried secrets may still have consequences for them today.
Lucinda Riley was born in 1965 in Ireland and, after an early career as an actress in film, theatre and television, wrote her first novel aged twenty-four. The Seven Sisters series specifically has become a global phenomenon, creating its own genre, and there are plans to create a multi-season TV series. In collaboration with her son Harry Whittaker, she also devised and wrote a series of books for children called The Guardian Angels. Lucinda was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 and died on 11 June 2021, surrounded by her family.Book Information
Format: Paperback
Published: 11/05/2023
Category: Historical Fiction
Pages: 784
Dimensions: 231 x 155mm